

Do one thing at a time and do well.

Obsidian cross-platform synchronization strategy

Obsidian is such a useful tool.


  • Obsidian
  • OneDrive, the main sync tool, much better than iCloud
  • OneSync, a tool for syncing OneDrive on Android, works well for syncing.
  • Remotely-save, a tool for syncing on iOS, has some minor issues.

Some explanations#

Due to the extremely poor file management on iOS, most file syncing tools are disabled, so the experience on iOS is not very good unless you use the official sync. Currently, the two cross-platform plugins, "Remotely-save" and "livesync," are not very good in my opinion. The basic problem is that they have weak support for large files and often encounter errors. I chose OneDrive as the cross-platform sync tool because I switched to the Android platform.


  • Main writing is done on the PC, mobile is only for viewing, and the writing experience is average.
  • OneDrive has a very good sync experience on the PC platform.
  • On Android, you can use tools like Onesync to sync, and the experience is decent.
  • No problem syncing large files.


  • iOS is relatively weak.
  • Cannot achieve seamless cross-platform sync.
  • Using the "remotely-save" plugin to sync on iOS cannot detect deleted files.

Configuration process#

If you need to use iOS, it is best to configure the "remotely-save" plugin on iOS first.

Plugin configuration on iOS#

  • Browse the plugin marketplace and search for "remotely-save" to install the plugin.
  • Configure the plugin
    • Choose "OneDrive" for storage and authenticate.
    • Do not enable end-to-end encryption.
    • Do not configure automatic running.
    • It is recommended to disable folder and hidden file sync.
    • The sync experience on iOS is not good, there is no delete operation, you need to manually delete files.
  • After configuring, the uploaded file path is in "Apps/Remote-save/"

Android configuration#

I use OneSync, but you can use other sync tools as long as they can sync OneDrive to the local device.

  • Authenticate OneDrive.
  • Set up file sync pairs and choose "Two-way sync."
  • Sync the "OneDrive/Apps/Remotely-save/" folder to a local folder.
  • Open the local folder library in Obsidian.
  • Sync before and after each use.
  • You can use scheduled tasks or hooks to accomplish this.


There's nothing much to say, just keep "OneDrive/Apps/Remotely-save/" open on the device and open this library in Obsidian. The PC experience is friendly for input.


Recently, there is a discount for the official sync, now you can have 10 graphs for $10 per month. However, Obsidian's account system is only suitable for familiar users. If you are not familiar, it is easy to have your account deleted, so I do not recommend it.

I like applications that use file formats like Ob, all in plain text MD format, making migration very easy. NICE!

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